Addressing Energy Poverty: The Role of Economic Inequality in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
This paper discusses the impact of energy poverty and its underlying causes. It emphasizes the role of economic inequality in exacerbating energy costs and the challenges faced by developing countries with limited access to growth, healthcare, and education. The research highlights the need for improved energy provision, addressing infrastructural deficiencies, and promoting sustainable energy solutions. It also emphasizes the importance of global cooperation and policy initiatives to overcome sociocultural barriers and legal loopholes. This paper explores the connection between energy poverty and climate change goals, advocating for equitable cost-sharing and international cooperation. Economic inequality is identified as a primary challenge in investing capital in vital energy infrastructure. The abstract calls for cooperative measures to address global economic inequality, such as fair-trade regulations and technology transfer. Insufficient infrastructure is described as obstructing economic growth, increasing environmental risks, and exacerbating social inequality. The abstract proposes working together at multiple levels, adopting state-of-the-art technology and renewable energy sources. It sheds light on the complex relationship between ecology and energy poverty, promoting renewable energy as a solution. Effective public awareness campaigns and education are deemed necessary for resource management and sustainable practices. The abstract emphasizes the importance of sustainable energy in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, gender equality, industrial progress, and values such as respect. Ongoing barriers, including inadequate funding, insufficient infrastructure, regulatory challenges, technological obstacles, cultural opposition, concerns about climate change, and educational gaps, are also addressed. A comprehensive and well-organized approach is recommended to ensure equitable and energy-efficient societies.
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