The Role of Talent Management in Increasing Organizational Commitment of Employees
Talent management practices of organizations are important in increasing the organizational commitment of qualified employees. Examining the impact of talent management practices on employees' organizational commitment will give an idea for the policies to be followed by organizations on talent management practices. This study draws attention to the importance of talent management for organizations to retain their talented employees by examining the association of employee perceptions of talent management and organizational commitment. For this purpose, a questionnaire was administered to the employees of an Istanbul-based chain of stores in the retail sector to measure their perceptions of talent management and organizational commitment. The relationship entre talent management and organizational commitment was analyzed using SPSS 24.0 and GraphPad Prism software. The findings indicated a correlation between talent management and organizational commitment. The findings talent management was found to have a positive and significant effect on continuance commitment and affective commitment. The study also demonstrated that women's perceptions of talent management have a more pronounced impact on organizational commitment than men's perceptions.
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