Determining The Climate Change Anxiety Levels of University Students
The Paris Agreement goes into great detail on the topic of climate change, which has been called out as one of the major issues affecting the planet. In this study, it is aimed to determine the climate change anxiety levels of university students who are expected to have a high awareness of climate change and have the potential to contribute positively to social governance, and to present solutions to minimize the negative consequences of climate change in line with the results obtained. In the study; 96% of the participants were between the ages of 18-23, between age and anxiety score (r=0.080; p=0.041), between age and helplessness score (r=0.087; p=0.026), and between age and climate change anxiety scale total score. It was determined that there was a statistically significant positive and very weak relationship between the two (r=0.086; p=0.029). A statistically significant difference was found between the median scores of anxiety and helplessness scores according to gender and 59.9% of the participants were women (p<0.001). Considering the significance level of the relationship between climate change anxiety levels and age, it can be thought that young people's anxiety about this issue may be a motivating factor in combating the negative consequences of climate change and ensuring social cohesion.
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