The Boosting Effect of Covid-19 Breakthrough in Digital Broadcasting
Since the first trials of a series of inventions leading to the invention of television, the medium of communication has undergone continuous development and transformation and has taken its current form. Television continues to change today, with user needs and new effects in different communication technologies. In the light of these developments, digital broadcasting by experiencing convergence between the internet and television gave birth to concepts such as Web TV, IPTV, Mobile TV. Especially widespread internet-connected devices over The Top Television (OTT TV) have contributed to the emergence of broadcasting. The aim of this study is to discuss the historical development of television from past to digital broadcasting age and the growth of Netflix, as an example of worldwide popular OTT TV, especially during Covid-19. To this end, Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 people with four different sociocultural structures. Visualization opportunities were used to better understand the data and some of the remarks of the participants were included. Looking at the data obtained after the interview, it was observed that the Netflix subscription increased during the Covid-19 period and the time spent on the screen increased. In addition, it is understood that the media in question is preferred over conventional television for reasons such as freedom, quality and content diversity.
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