What is Happening to Used Car Prices in Turkey? Evidence From Hedonic Price Model (Hpm)
With the Covid 19 pandemic, many sectors on a global scale have been affected by this situation. In Turkey, automobile industry faced with high price volatilities and used car prices increased drastically, indeed, they surged brand new ones. Thus, the purpose of this study is examining the used car prices on two different time May 2020 and Mar 2021 by Hedonic Price Model (HPM). For this purpose, cross-sectional linear regression method is applied to price and hedonic characteristics of Renault Megane and Volkswagen Passat as two of top 10 most sold car model in 2020 in Turkey. Equipment, year, mileage, transmission, fuel, color and location of the seller variables were applied to determine the effect on the price of the used car. On both dates 2018-2019-2020 model year cars are used for comparison purposes. According to test results the equipment, year, mileage, transmission and fuel variables and constant term for each model are statistically significant. The color variables and variables represent the location of the seller are less successful in explanation.
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