The Relationship of Time Management and Academic Procrastination: A Case of University Students
This research was conducted descriptively to determine the relationships between time management and academic procrastination. The sample of the study consists of 425 people. The data were analyzed using the snowball sampling method and Google survey; The Demographic İnformation Form was collected using the Time Management Scale and the Academic Procrastination Scale. İndependent Sample T-Test, ANOVA Test, and Correlation Test were used to evaluate the data. According to the correlation analysis results, a moderate negative correlation was found between time management and academic procrastination. As the academic procrastination levels of students increase, their time management success decreases. The comparisons made determined that the variables of age, mother's approach, father's approach, voluntary coming to the department, family relationships, and friendship relations affect the time management scale scores. Besides, it was determined that the variables of gender, mother's approach, father's approach, age, and family relationships affect the academic procrastination scale scores. As a result, it was determined that demographic variables affect the scores of time management and academic procrastination scales.
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