Geoffrey Chaucer’ın Canterbury Hikâyeleri Eserinde Toplumsal Cinsiyetin Sorunlu Temsili



Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, which contains 24 stories, presents a panorama of his society through the pilgrims’ stories. These tales engage themselves with numerous issues such as the representation of women and men, courtly love, knighthood, honor, and pious life. These stories have different sources like fabliau, romance, the courtly love tradition, and saint’s legend. The portrayal of gender plays a highly significant role in these tales that highlight the suppression of women. This study will, in this respect, discuss the problematic depiction of gender and gender roles through the detailed discussion of the female characters in the three selected tales in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, namely “The Franklin’s Tale,” “The Physician’s Tale,” and “The Man of Law’s Tale.” This discussion will ultimately reveal what kind of attributes these female characters are given in line with the historical, social, and literary context through numerous specific examples from the tales and relevant secondary sources.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, The Franklin’s Tale, The Physician’s Tale, The Man of Law’s Tale, gender

Tam Metin:



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