Documents Concerning Ankara During the Second World War in the Republic Archive of Prime Ministry (1939-1945)
The greatest conflict the world has ever seen Second World War, is a research that was focused by many scientists from various fields. Thousands of studies have been carried out in the world, in field of social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences but not enough research focus was done Turkey about the World War II. The aim of this study on the examination of the documents of the Second World War period related to Ankara in the Prime Minister's Republic Archives; To make a new addition to the Turkey-based World War II scholarship, to contribute to the social sciences studies in the same field in the world, and to roughly classify the archived documents in the Prime Minister's Republic Archives. In the future research is expected to benefit due to this classification. The desire to put all these aims into practice for legislation in Ankara constitutes the second aim of this study.
The Second World War was the most destructive war throughout the history. Turkey, however was not part of the war, was affected by the war. When the war started, Ankara was a newly developed 16 years old capital city and had important tasks as the centre of the government of Turkey. In this work, catalogue documents in the Republic Archive of Prime Ministry about Ankara during the Second World have been studied and sorted. The Prime Ministry Republican Archives catalog; is storage with large volume and variety in the form of 15 fund areas consisting of various fields and a common information pool of 169 different institutions. For this reason, the scans made in the aforementioned catalogs provide results from a rich information network and provide significant contributions to the research to be carried out.
The focus of the research is to contribute to the social studies based on works in Turkey during the Second World War. Moreover, My new statistical data would be a contribution to the national data system. International data bases and indexing of the current archived documents will pave way for new researches. In this sense and Ankara in the centre, the course of Turkey during the war has tried to be figüre out.1303 archive documents with military and civil contents have been evaluated and 62 different topics have been classified. This classification will also help others who will do research in this area and to enlighten the situation of Ankara during the Second World War.
Anahtar Kelimeler
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