Determination Of Elective CourseBased On Hierarchical Fuzzy Topsis Method With Matlab Software
The determination of elective course in undergraduate education is an important decision making process, because the course chosen allows the students to specialize in the area they are interested in. In this study, a decision model based on the process of determining elective course belonging to the sixth semester of third year students receiving education in economics department at a state university has been developed. The assessments of the importance weights of the main and sub-criteria used in determining elective course and the assessments of the elective courses opened in the sixth semester in terms of the determined sub-criteria have been performed by using linguistic variables. The aim of this study is to apply Hierarchical Fuzzy TOPSIS (HFTOPSIS) method in determining elective course as a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making (FMCDM) technique and introduce the programme developed in MATLAB software related to this decision making process.
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